Banner Progetto S5 (DPC-INGV 2007-2009)

Il Progetto | The Project

I test-site:
    Alto-Tiberina Fault
    Messina Strait
    Irpinia Fault System
    L'Aquila Fault System

    Alto-Tiberina Fault
    Messina Strait
    Irpinia Fault System
    L'Aquila Fault System

    Messina Strait
    L'Aquila Fault System


Pubblicazioni e Convegni

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Scientific Reports e Deliverables


First Annual Meeting| 19-21 ottobre 2009

Presentazione del Progetto S5: High-resolution multi-disciplinary monitoring of active fault test sites in Italy (S5-General.pdf | 8.3Mb)


Responsabile Lauro Chiaraluce
  • Barchi M.R., Melelli L., Pazzaglia F.1, Pucci S., Saccucci L. - Tectonic evolution of the Tiber Valley between Perugia and Città di Castello (task1_BarchiEtAl_s5.jpg | 1.4Mb).
  • Bruno P.P., Castiello A., De Rosa D., Improta L., Pierdominici S., Punzo M., Varriale F., Villani F., Mirabella F., Montone P. and Chiaraluce L. - Shallow imaging of the Tiber valley basin by high-resolution seismic profiling: preliminary results (task1_BrunoEtAl_S5.jpg | 4.5Mb).
  • Di Stefano R., Aldersons F., Chiaraluce L., Piccinini D. and Valoroso L. - Automatic Detection, and P- and S-wave Picking Algorithm: an application to the 2009 L'Aquila (Central Italy) earthquake sequence (task1_DiStefanoEtAl_S5.jpg | 244Kb).
  • Mirabella F., Barchi M.R., Brozzetti F., Lupattelli A. - Upper crust structure and tectonic evolution of the Altotiberina normal fault (central Italy) (task1_Mirabellaetal_S5.jpg | 864Kb).

Responsabile Lucia Margheriti e Giuseppe D'Anna
  • D'Amico S., Orecchio B., Presti D., Zhu L., Herrmann R. and Neri G. - Focal Mechanisms Of Low-Magnitude Earthquakes In The Messina Straits Region (task2_DAmicoEtAl_S5.jpg | 2.9Mb).
  • Mandiello A.G., Govoni A., Di Stefano R., Moretti M., Chiaraluce L., Lauciani V., Pintore S., Baccheschi P., Margheriti L., Mazza S. and Selvaggi G. - Integrating data from temporary networks into INGV Data archive (task2_MandielloEtAl_S5.jpg | 3.4Mb).
  • Mattia M., Palano M., Bruno V. and Cannavó F. - Crustal motion along the Calabro- Peloritano Arc as imaged by twelve years of measurements on a dense GPS network (task2_MattiaEtAl_S5.jpg | 3.2Mb).
  • Moretti M., Govoni A., Mangano G., D'Anna G., Mandiello A.G., Margheriti L., Mazza S., Patanè, D., Selvaggi, G. and ̉Messina 1908 - 2008" Working Group - Deployment of an on-land, off-shore eismic network to buil up an integrated seismic data archive (task2_MorettiEtAl_S5.jpg | 3.5Mb).
  • Piccinini D., Pastori M., Margheriti L., Zaccarelli L. and Bianco F. - Quasi real-time Crustal Anisotropy Estimates (task2_PiccininiEtAl_S5.jpg | 4.0Mb).

Responsabile: Aldo Zollo
  • Avallone A., Marzario M., D'Anastasio E., DAgostino N., Cecere G., D'Ambrosio C., Falco L., Abruzzese L., Cardinale V., De Luca G., Memmolo A., Minichiello F. and Zarrilli L. - High Frequency GPS as a potential contribution for monitoring a seismogenic structure (task3_AvalloneEtAl_S5.jpg | 2.9Mb).
  • Maercklin N., Zollo A., Orefice A., Festa G., Emolo A., De Matteis R., Delouis B. and Bobbio A. - The April 2009 L'Aquila earthquake as seen by a 250 km distant accelerometer array (task3_MaercklinEtAl_S5.jpg | 2.3Mb).
  • Matrullo E., Pasquale G., Satriano C., De Matteis R. and Zollo A. - Building 1D reference velocity model of the Irpinia region (Southern Apennines): microearthquake locations and focal mechanisms The April 2009 L'Aquila earthquake as seen by a 250 km distant accelerometer array (task3_MatrulloEtAl_S5.jpg | 328Kb).
  • Orefice A., Zollo A. and Convertito V. - Microearthquake source and attenuation parameters in southern Apennines from the non-linear inversion of P and S- displacement spectra (task3_OreficeEtAl_S5.jpg | 292Kb).
  • Vassallo M. and Bobbio A. - Ambient noise levels and seismic detection threshold of ISNet network, Southern Italy (task3_Vassallo&Bobbio_S5.png | 2.0Mb).

Responsabile: Alessandro Amato
  • Amato A., Margheriti L., Pantosti D., Cecere G., Govoni A., De Gori P., Improta L., Bruno P., Cinti F., Pucci S., Marzocchi W., Zollo A., Neri G. and Task 4 working group - Test site "L'Aquila" Task 4 S5 project: L'Aquila fault system. A test site to understand the physical processes of the earthquake preparation and generation. (task4_AmatoEtAl_S5.jpg | 3.7Mb).
Testo .
Pagine a cura di Milena Moretti e Raffaele Di Stefano