Banner Progetto S5 (DPC-INGV 2007-2009)

The Project | Il Progetto

Test site projects:
    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
         Work Packages Objectives
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    Messina Strait
    L'Aquila Fault System


Publications and Conferences


Scientific Reports and Deliverables


Responsible: Lauro Chiaraluce | INGV - Centro Nazionale Terremoti

With the reprise, this year, of the centennial of the 1908 extensional earthquake (Mw=7.1), INGV has promoted and financed a research project ("Messina 1908-2008") whose aim is to merge existing geophysical data and studies to clarify the regional kinematics in which the extension deformation processes occur in the Messina Strait.
More than 20 permanent seismic stations and about 15 temporary stations, deployed at the end of 2007, are present in the area. A dense permanent geodetic network operate in the region and several repeated geodetic surveys are available. The assembled data-base, that will be analyzed with standard and refined techniques, is expected to provide us with remarkable improvements in the knowledge of geodynamic processes presently occurring in the area. As a complementary research to the "Messina 1908-2008" project, in S5 project, we propose to deploy five Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) that will integrate the on-land and off-shore seismic monitoring system; to promote new geodetic campaign measurements; and finally to develop and apply innovative methodologies to characterize the strain-field in the Messina Strait in the framework of the Calabro-Peloritni arc.

Work Packages Objectives


Page by Milena Moretti and Raffaele Di Stefano