Banner Progetto S5 (DPC-INGV 2007-2009)

The Project | Il Progetto

Test site projects:
    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    Messina Strait
    L'Aquila Fault System


Publications and Conferences


Scientific Reports and Deliverables


The Task 2 "Messina Strait" integrated data archive

One of the main objectives of the "Messina 1908-2008" research project is the creation of a on-land/sea integrated data archive (Wp 2.2) where all relevant data belonging to the project partners together with all new data recorded during the experiment in the area affected by the 1908 earthquake are available.

The passive seismic experiment

The "Messina 1908-2008" project has been carried out from October 18, 2007 to January 31, 2010. It has been designed with the goal to acquire new high resolution and high quality data in the Messina strait area [Govoni et al., 2008; Margheriti et al., 2008; Moretti et al., 2008; 2010].

A total of 15 temporary seismic stations have been deployed in the Calabro - Peloritana area across the Messina Strait (Figure 1) integrating the national and regional permanent stations.

temporary network Figure 1 temporary network Table 1: Sign, place and oordinates of the temporary sites and sensor code.

temporary network Table 2: Sign, place, instruments and recording periods of the temporary sites.

In July 2008 5 Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS; white stars in Figure 1; Table 3 and 4) have been deployed across the strait for almost 4 months. [D'Anna et al., 2008; 2009].

OBS Table 3: codes, coordinates and recording periods of the OBS network [D'Anna et al., 2008; 2009].

OBS Table 4: OBS recording calendar [D'Anna et al., 2008; 2009].


The integrated data archive

All the temporary seismic station data have been converted from the native format (REF TEK and Nanometrics) to the SEED (Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data) format and the whole data set has been structured following the specifications in use at INGV National Data Center.

The continuous waveform data recorded during the "Messina 1908-2008" experiment are available at EIDA (European Integrated Data Archive) based on ArcLink (developed by Geofon, GFZ). The site allows complete access to both permanent and temporary station data.

To download the waveform data just click Data Request and select the stations in the area 37.5-38.8/14.2-16.6 for the time range October 18, 2007 - January 31, 2010. This selection returns together with the temporary seismic station data also all permanent (National Seismic Network and MedNet) stations data available.

All temporary station codes have been registered at ISC (International Seismological Center, with Network Code = IV (National Seismic Network).

Figure 2

The continuous OBS waveform data is temporarily available at Data will be merged in the integrated archive as soon as the meta data information is converted to SEED data format (dataless).



  • D'Anna, R., Mangano, G., D'Alessandro, A., D'Anna, R., Passafiume, G., Speciale, S., Selvaggi, G., Margheriti, L., Patanè, D., Luzio, D., and Calò, M. (2008). "MESSINA 1908-2008" - Progetto di ricerca integrato sul'area Calabro - Peloritana: la campagna OBS/H. 1908-2008: Scienza e Società a 100 anni dal grande Terremoto, Reggio Calabria (Italy) | December 10-12 2008 (View/Open Poster).
  • D'Anna G., G. Mangano, A. D'Alessandro, R. D'Anna, G. Passafiume, S. Speciale, S. Passarello (2009). Progetto "Messina 1908-2008". Rapporto della campagna OBS nell'area Eoliana e dello Stretto di Messina, Rapporto Tecnico INGV, N. 98 (View/Open).
  • Govoni, A., Margheriti, L., D'Anna, R., Selvaggi, G., Patanè, D., Moretti, M. and Zuccarello, L. (2008). Messina 1908-2008: understanding crust dynamics and subduction in Southern Italy. AGU 2008 Fall Meeting | 15-19 December 2008 (Abstract - Poster)
  • Margheriti, L.,D'Anna G., Selvaggi G., Patane D., Moretti M., Govoni A. (2008) Alla ricerca di nuovi dati sulla relazione tra subduzione e cinematica crostale nell'arco Calabro-Peloritano, Capitolo del volume "Il terremoto e il maremoto del 28 dicembre 1908" Editors: Bertolaso G., Boschi E., Valensise G.,Guidoboni E..Dec-2008 Publisher:SGA.
  • Margheriti, L. and Messina 1908-2008 team- Understanding crust dynamics and subduction in southern Italy, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(25), 225-226.
  • Moretti M., A. Govoni L. Abruzzese, G. Aiesi, P. Baccheschi, F. Criscuoli, G. D'Anna, R. D'Anna, G. De Luca, D. Franceschi, L. Giovani, F.P. Lucente, L. Zuccarello, A.G. Mandiello, A. Basili, A. Bono, C. Castellano, F. Criscuoli, S. Mazza, O. Torrisi (2008). "Messina 1908-2008" - Progetto Di Ricerca Integrato Sull'area Calabro - Peloritana: La Campagna Sismica. 1908-2008: Scienza e Società a 100 anni dal grande Terremoto, Reggio Calabria (Italy) | December 10-12 2008 (Abstract - Poster).
  • Moretti A. Govoni, L. Margheriti, L. Zuccarello, S. Speciale, A.G. Mandiello, A. Basili, A. Bono, C. Castellano, F. Criscuoli, S. Rapisarda, L. Abruzzese, G. Aiesi, P. Baccheschi, Roberto D'Anna, G. De Luca, D. Franceschi, L. Giovani, F.P. Lucente, G. Mangano, M. Manni, C. Marcocci, G. Passafiume, P.R. Platania, L. Scuderi, O. Torrisi, G. D'Anna, S. Mazza, D. Patanè e G. Selvaggi (2010)."Messina 1908-2008" Progetto di ricerca integrato sull'area Calabro - Peloritana: l'esperimento di sismica passiva. Quaderno di Geofisica INGV, N. 84 (View/Open).
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    Edited by Milena Moretti e Raffaele Di Stefano