Banner Progetto S5 (DPC-INGV 2007-2009)

The Project | Il Progetto

Test site projects:
    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
         Work Packages Objectives
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    Messina Strait
    L'Aquila Fault System


Publications and Conferences


Scientific Reports and Deliverables


Responsible: Aldo Zollo | Università of Napoli "Federico II" - Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche

This test-site offers the unique scientific opportunity of analysing in near real-time massive, high- quality microearthquake data collected from a dense and wide distributed seismometric, accelerometric and geodetic networks owned by AMRA, INGV and Department of Civil Protection. In particular, the ISNet network implemented by AMRA for early warning experimentation is designed and operates according to innovative technological and methodological aspects, related to the optimization of real-time data acquisition, processing and modelling. Task 3 is mainly focussed on the development and application of real-time and off-line analyses of noise, microearthquake and high-rate GPS data collected by the ISNet and INGV networks. In particular it will be investigated the robustness and the properties of the Green functions extracted from cross-correlation of data recorded by the seismic network ISNet. Techniques for dispersion curve analysis and modelling will be developed by extending standard techniques to high frequencies. High resolution images of the Irpinia active fault system will be derived through the accurate determination of location, size and fault mechanisms of microearthquakes in the magnitude range 1<M<3. Reflection seismology techniques will be developed and applied to micro-earthquake data with the aim to improve the images of crustal P- and S-velocities and subsurface discontinuities beneath the test-site. Finally, we will perform experiments to investigate the feasibility of high rate GPS monitoring of earthquake faults and near real-time recording of co- seismic displacement.

Work Packages Objectives


Page by Milena Moretti and Raffaele Di Stefano