Banner Progetto S5 (DPC-INGV 2007-2009)

The Project | Il Progetto

Test site projects:
    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    Messina Strait
    L'Aquila Fault System


Publications and Conferences


Scientific Reports and Deliverables


S5 Project pre-closure meeting | March 24, 2010

Sede INGV | Sala Conferenze | Via di Vigna Murata 605, Roma
For info, download "Program Meeting" | (1.5Mb).

Download presentations:

# Task 1 - Test site: "Alto-Tiberina Fault"

  • WP1.1 - Raffaele Di Stefano | Automated seismic data analysis (WP1.1-240310.pps | 824Kb).

  • WP1.2 - Pierpaolo Bruno and Luigi Improta | Imaging the shallower portion of the Tiber basin to optimize the installation of borehole seismic sensors (WP1.2-240310.pps | 9.1 Mb).

  • WP1.3 - Nicola D'Agostino | Velocity and strain rate fields across the fault from integration of regional GPS networks (WP1.3-240310.pps | 3.9 Mb).

  • WP1.4 - Francesco Mirabella | Upper crustal structure and tectonic evolution of ATF (WP1.4-240310.pdf | 22.2 Mb).

  • WP1.5 - Massimiliano R. Barchi | Quaternary tectonics of the ATF region (WP1.5-240310.pdf | 30.3 Mb).

  • Discussione Task 1 - moderator L. Chiaraluce | A high density network including borehole observations for the understanding of physical processes which govern the earthquake generation on low-angle dipping normal faults (Task1-240310.pps | 812 Kb).

# Task 2 - Test site: "Messina Strait"

  • WP2.1 - Giuseppe D'Anna and Giorgio Mangano | Sea Bottom Seismograph installation and data transmission testing through acoustic link (WP2.1-240310.pps | 2.7 Mb).

  • WP2.2 - Milena Moretti | Integrated on-land and off-shore seismic data bank and refined earthquake location (WP2.2-240310.pps | 3.9 Mb).

  • WP2.3 - Davide Piccinini | Seismic anisotropy analysis aimed at defining the present crustal deformation regime (WP2.3-240310.pps | 936 Kb).

  • WP2.4 - Mario Mattia | Strain field of Calabria and Peloritano regions from GPS data acquisition and modeling (WP2.4-240310.pps | 4.6 Mb).

  • WP2.5 - Giancarlo Neri | Fault mechanisms and stress regime orientations in the Messina Strait (WP2.5-240310.pps | 4.3 Mb).

  • Discussione Task 2 - moderator Lucia Margheriti | An on-land, off-shore integrated seismic network for monitoring the region struck by the M 7, 1908 Messina earthquake and understanding the relationship between present stress regime and earthquake activity (Task2-240310.pps | 612 Kb).

# Task 3 - Test site: "Irpinia Fault System"

  • WP3.1 - Gaetano Festa | SSeismic noise analysis and Green Functions (WP3.1-240310.pps | 2.0 Mb).

  • WP3.2 - Claudio Satriano | Refined estimates of micro-earthquake source parameters (WP3.2-240310.pdf | 13.9 Mb).

  • WP3.3 - Nils Maercklin | Reflection/transmission tomography from micro-earthquake data (WP3.3-240310.pdf | 1.0 Mb).

  • WP3.4 - Antonio Avallone | High rate GPS for the monitoring of active seismic fault systems in southern Apennines (WP3.4-240310.pps | 1.1 Mb).

  • Discussione Task 3 - moderator Aldo Zollo | An advanced, real-time, seismic monitoring infrastructure for the detailed imaging and characterization of a complex normal fault system in southern Apennines. (Task3-240310.pdf |92 Kb).

# Task 4 - Test site: "L'Aquila Fault System"

  • WP4.1 - Gianpaolo Cecere | Toward a permanent Seismic and GPS network to monitor segments adjacent to Paganica fault (WP4.1-240310.pdf | 5.7 Mb).

  • WP4.2 - Aladino Govoni | Integrated SEED seismic database of L'Aquila sequence (WP4.2-240310.pps | 2.7 Mb).

  • WP4.3 - Pasquale De Gori | SEstimates of source and structure parameters from seismic waveform analyses (WP4.3-240310.pps | 9.6 Mb).

  • WP4.4 - Pierpaolo Bruno and Luigi Improta | Active faults imaging in the Middle Aterno Valley by high-resolution seismic profiling (WP 4.4-240310.pps | 17.7 Mb).

  • WP4.5 - Francesca R. Cinti and Stefano Pucci | Mapping of active faults and characterizing their seismic behavior (WP4.5-240310.pps | 18.6 Mb).

  • WP4.6 - Warner Marzocchi | Toward a new Earthquake Forecast: a multi-disciplinary approach (WP4.6-240310.pdf | 700 Kb).

  • Discussione Task 4 - moderator Alessandro Amato | An on-land, off-shore integrated seismic network for monitoring the region struck by the M 7, 1908 ML'Aquila fault system. A test site to understand the physical processes of the earthquake preparation and generation (Task4-240310.pps | 488 Kb).
Testo .
Page by Milena Moretti and Raffaele Di Stefano