Banner Progetto S5 (DPC-INGV 2007-2009)

The Project | Il Progetto

Test site projects:
    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    Messina Strait
    L'Aquila Fault System


Publications and Conferences


Scientific Reports and Deliverables


La geodesia INGV e lo stretto di Messina - March 2009

In March 2009 all the different groups (including people working in S5 and S1 projects) involved in the geodetic measurements and studies in the Messina Strait area had a meeting in Rome, the different groups showed the velocity fields results for the area. Results even if come from different data and different analysis are consistent in their general pattern showing a regional divergence of Sicily and Calabria of about 3mm per year. Velocity between Milazzo (Sicily) and the Aspromonte Massif (Calabria) vary linearly, this imply small velocity variations across the Messina Strait but generate a constant stain-rate, the values vary among the different groups between 0.10 and 0.15 _strain/yr. The next step is trying to understand if this strain rate can be accommodated by one fault structure inside the Strait of should be distributed on different fault systems. Data coming from temporary GPS campaign belonging to different groups will be shared during this coming year.

Program Meeting

  • 10:00 Marco Aloisi: A new analytical approach to the modeling of the 1908 earthquake source from the inversion of the 1907-1909 levelling
  • 10:30 Daniele Cheloni: Active crustal deformation across the Messina Strait :new analysis on terrestrial and space networks
  • 11:00 Enrico Serpelloni: Analysis of Continuous and Epoch GPS Networks Across the Messina Straits and Deformation Modeling
  • 11:30 Mimmo Palano: Crustal motion along the Calabro-Peloritn Arc as imaged by twelve years of measurements on a dense GPS network
  • 12:00 Antonio Avallone: Comparison of GPS velocity solutions
  • 12:30 Roberto Devoti: Final discussion
Page by Milena Moretti and Raffaele Di Stefano