Banner Progetto S5 (DPC-INGV 2007-2009)

The Project | Il Progetto

Test site projects:
    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    1. Alto-Tiberina Fault
    2. Messina Strait
    3. Irpinia Fault System
    4. L'Aquila Fault System

    Messina Strait
    L'Aquila Fault System


Publications and Conferences


Scientific Reports and Deliverables


Kick-off 4 luglio 2008

INGV Sede via Nizza, Roma ( Download il programma | 80Kb)
  • Introduzione dei Coordinatori: Lucia Margheriti e Aldo Zollo (S5.pdf 288 Kb)

  • Task1 Test Site "Faglia Altotiberina"

  • Introduzione del Responsabile Lauro Chiaraluce (S5_Task1.pdf 3.174 Kb)
  • Working Packages (WP):
    1. WP1.1: Resp. Raffaele Di Stefano (S5_WP1.1.pdf | 112 Kb)
      Building procedures to automatically manage and analyze seismic data
    2. WP1.2: Resp. Luigi Improta (S5_WP1.2.pdf | 1.092 Kb)
      Imaging the shallower portion of the Tiber basin to optimize drilling location
    3. WP1.3: Resp. Nicola D'Agostino (S5_WP1.3.pdf | 3.167 Kb)
      Velocity and strain rate fields from integration of regional GPS networks
    4. WP1.4: Resp. Francesco Mirabella (S5_WP1.4.pdf | 3.027 Kb)
      Upper crust structure and tectonic evolution of the ATF
    5. WP1.5: Resp. Massimiliano R. Barchi (S5_WP1.5.pdf | 7.356 Kb)
      Tectonic evolution of the Tiber valley between Perugia and Città di Castello

  • Task2 Test Site "Messina Strait"

  • Introduzione del Responsabile Lucia Margherit (S5_Task2.pdf | 1.316 Kb)
  • Working Packages (WP):
    1. WP2.1: Resp. Giuseppe D'Anna e Giorgio Mangano (S5_WP2.1.pdf | 824 Kb)
      Ocean Bottom Seismographs deployment and test
    2. WP2.2: Resp. Milena Moretti (S5_WP2.2.pdf | 211 Kb)
      Integrated seismic data bank and refined earthquake location to define seismogenetic structures
    3. WP2.3: Resp. Davide Piccinini (S5_WP2.3.pdf | 661 Kb)
      Seismic anisotropy
    4. WP2.4: Resp. Mario Mattia (S5_WP2.4.pdf | 1.068 Kb)
      Ground deformation pattern of the Calabro-Peloritni area and the Messina Straits from GPS networks and terrestrial data
    5. WP2.5: Resp. Giancarlo Neri (S5_WP2.5.pdf | 211 Kb)
      Fault mechanisms and tectonic stress regime in the Messina strait

  • Task3 Test Site "Irpinia Fault System"

  • Introduzione del Responsabile Aldo Zollo (S5_Task3.pdf | 2.727 Kb)
  • Working Packages (WP):
    1. WP3.1: Resp. Gaetano Festa (S5_WP3.1.pdf | 1.360 Kb)
      Seismic noise analysis and Green Functions
    2. WP3.2: Resp. Claudio Satriano (S5_WP3.2.pdf | 1.627 Kb)
      Refined estimates of micro-earthquake source parameters
    3. WP3.3: Resp. Nils Maercklin (S5_WP3.3.pdf | 452 Kb)
      Reflection seismology applied to micro-earthquake data
    4. WP3.4: Resp. Antonio Avallone (S5_WP3.4.pdf | 357 Kb)
      High rate GPS for monitoring active seismic faults
Page by Milena Moretti and Raffaele Di Stefano